• 29 strings - 4 octaves - Suitable for beginners to intermediate students
• Note range of C3 to C7 - Color-coded strings for effortless playing
• Full set of levers - Easily adjustable keys
• Handcrafted from solid wood - Birch soundboard for exceptional sound and durability
• Tuning tool and extra string set included
MID-EAST Minstrel Harp 29-String Chelby Levers - Walnut. The Chelby levers, renowned for their smooth and sleek design, are mechanically superior to standard MID-EAST harp levers. Each string is equipped with its own lever, allowing for side engagement and limiting the possibility of strings lifting off the bridge pin. Professional harpists appreciate the red and blue-coloured caps, which facilitate the identification of the C- and F-string levers. The lever is securely attached to its base using a hex bolt, and a synthetic washer ensures smooth and controlled lifting action, preventing slipping once engaged. The base of each lever is fastened to the harp arm using two screws, allowing for necessary adjustments. The bridge pins for the Chelby levers have also been enhanced, enabling simple adjustment in or out using a hex wrench.
29 DuPont hard nylon strings spanning from C3 to C7, 24 sharpening levers, an engraved and inlaid walnut frame, and a high-quality Finnish birch plywood soundboard provide exceptional sound and strength. Stylistically, Celtic Thistle design is hand-carved into the side panels. Approximately 38” in height.